
Promise Neighborhoods grantees are committed to achieving 10 results that span the cradle-to-career pipeline, which are measured by Government Performance and Results Act indicators. This results-based framework provides a clear way to align solutions and strategies and measure Promise Neighborhoods’ progress towards these results. The data dashboard displays Promise Neighborhoods data for indicators associated with 10 results.

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) indicators icon

Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) indicators

10 Results
Guidance document

Data Dashboard

This data dashboard groups data by grantee cohort, or the fiscal year in which a neighborhood received an implementation grant: Extension (2012), Extension (2016), 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021, and 2022/23. Note that individual grantees are not named.

Select a result and cohort to display the data by year. Each graph starts with Year 1, which corresponds to the first full year of implementation for that cohort. For example, 2023 was Year 1 for the FY 2022/23 cohort, Year 2 for the FY 2021 cohort, and Year 5 for the FY 2018 cohort.

selected cohort icon

Students are proficient in core academic subjects as measured by the share of third through eighth graders and high schoolers who are at or above grade level on state mathematics and English language arts assessments.

Missing datapoints indicate data were not reported or were suppressed because of data quality.