Results by Term: Staffing, Organization & Leadership

Planning a Promise Neighborhood

Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: 2010

The Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink turned to the Bridgespan Group to develop this planning guide. The document is based on Bridgespan’s experience developing business plans with the Harlem Children’s Zone and other neighborhood initiatives that seek to improve outcomes for children from families with low incomes. The guide also incorporates lessons learned from other comprehensive community -change initiatives across the nation, and Bridgespan’s cumulative knowledge gained from helping hundreds of nonprofit leaders expand their antipoverty, education, and youth-development services.

Evidence-Based Practice: A Primer for Promise Neighborhoods

Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: No date

<p>This fact sheet discusses evidence-based practices, including the following:</p><ul><li>Why is evidence-based practice Iimportant?</li><li>What kind of evidence makes a program “evidence-based”?</li><li>Is an evidence-based program appropriate for your community?</li><li>How to frame the evidence for your proposed programs</li></ul>

Technical Assistance Self-Assessment Tool

Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: No date

This self-assessment tool contains several categories and, within each category, a set of statements communities can use to assess their current plan and capacity for developing a strong Promise Neighborhoods implementation plan. The results of this assessment will assist communities in identifying their strengths, the particularly challenging parts of the planning process, and the areas that need the most technical assistance to complete the plan.

Sustaining the Promise Neighborhoods Movement

Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: No date

This presentation shares the collective impact of Promise Neighborhoods in improving results for children from cradle to career. It also highlights the role of the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink in sustaining the Promise Neighborhoods movement.