Results by Term: Post-Secondary Success
Knox Promise Neighborhood: Attend Today – Achieve Tomorrow
Author: Amanda Hare, Victoria Martin | Year of Publication: 2024
This impact story discusses Knox Promise Neighborhood’s pioneering initiative that empowers student through consistent school attendance. Knox’s Attend Today – Achieve Tomorrow campaign is highlighted.
Making the Case for Promise Neighborhoods
Author: Megan Gallagher, Lori Nathanson, Peter Tatian, and Jarle Crocker | Year of Publication: 2024
This brief highlights Promise Neighborhoods’ 10-year history and vision for the future. Illustrative stories from Mission Promise Neighborhood, Partners for Rural Impact, and South Ward Promise Neighborhood are featured.
Expanding Data Use to Support More Effective Post-High School Transitions: Measuring Postsecondary Success in Promise Neighborhoods
Author: Sonia Torres Rodríguez and Elizabeth Burton | Year of Publication: 2022
This brief focuses on Promise Neighborhood grantees that collect and report data on high school graduates who obtain a postsecondary degree, certification, or credential. It also explores strategies to assess the employment outcomes of youth in Promise Neighborhoods. The brief includes guidance and best practices on expanding data use and capacity for Promise Neighborhood grantees and peers to improve their measurement of postsecondary engagement and success.
Integrating Family Financial Security into Cradle-to-Career Pipelines: Learning Lessons from Promise Neighborhoods
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2016
With support from Citi Foundation, PolicyLink and the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink (PNI) joined forces with five PNI communities (Brooklyn, New York; Los Angeles, California; Chula Vista, California; Orlando, Florida; and Indianola, Mississippi) to design and carry out strategies for embedding financial security into their pipelines of supports. The collaborative effort set out to embed the concepts of budgeting, emergency savings, saving for college, and credit access, into existing PNI programs.
Understanding Federal Tools for Building Youth and Family Financial Capability
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2016
On March 29, 2016, the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink hosted a webinar to discuss strategies to use federal tools to build youth and family financial capability in Promise Neighborhoods. Anamita Gall (ICF International) and Dr. Deborah Moore (Indianola Promise Community) shared best practices for using federal tools, such as the Assets for Independence Initiative, to break the cycle of generational poverty, ensure students live in stable communities, and integrate financial capability services into Promise Neighborhoods strategies to improve outcomes for all underserved children and their families.
Sustaining Parent Engagement throughout the Cradle to Career Continuum (GPRAs 12-14)
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2016
Parent and community engagement is critical to achieving and sustaining Promise Neighborhoods results. Research demonstrates children whose parents are involved in their reading and learning are more likely to have stronger academic performances and fewer absences.
Postsecondary Success in Promise Neighborhoods
Author: The Center for the Study of Social Policy | Year of Publication: 2016
This promising practices guide is a resource for Promise Neighborhoods as they work to improve postsecondary outcomes for students.
Promoting Academic Proficiency in Promise Neighborhoods
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2015
<p> Academic achievement is vital to children's educational attainment and economic well-being. The Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink hosted this webinar to discuss best practices and approaches to improve academic proficiency rates in Promise Neighborhoods communities (Government Performance and Results Act indicator 4 per previous 2013 guidance). The webinar features the following experts:</p><ul><li>Sherry Taubert, Project Director, Berea Promise Neighborhood</li><li>Christina Theokas, Ph.D., Director of Research, Education Trust</li></ul>
Building the Capacity of Educators and Service Providers to Support Black Male Achievement
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2014
This webinar, hosted by the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink, discusses professional development programs being implemented in Promise Neighborhoods to effectively promote the academic achievement of children of color with low incomes, with a focus on Black boys and young men.
PNI Peer Learning Tool
Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: No date
Recognizing that communities themselves are an important source of expertise and support for community change work, the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink (PNI) created this tool to assist leaders and staff of Promise Neighborhoods from across the country in connecting with one other.