Results by Term: K-12 Academic Performance
Knox Promise Neighborhood: Attend Today – Achieve Tomorrow
Author: Amanda Hare, Victoria Martin | Year of Publication: 2024
This impact story discusses Knox Promise Neighborhood’s pioneering initiative that empowers student through consistent school attendance. Knox’s Attend Today – Achieve Tomorrow campaign is highlighted.
Making the Case for Promise Neighborhoods
Author: Megan Gallagher, Lori Nathanson, Peter Tatian, and Jarle Crocker | Year of Publication: 2024
This brief highlights Promise Neighborhoods’ 10-year history and vision for the future. Illustrative stories from Mission Promise Neighborhood, Partners for Rural Impact, and South Ward Promise Neighborhood are featured.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Promise Neighborhoods 2020-2022
Author: Jillian Spindle and Lori Nathanson | Year of Publication: 2023
A Promise Neighborhood is a place-based, collective impact approach to improving results for children and families. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, Promise Neighborhoods were uniquely positioned to provide on-the-ground community response. They were partners to government, philanthropies, businesses, and community institutions in reaching students, parents, and neighbors with essential emergency services and vital information. This paper explores Promise Neighborhoods’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrates that investing in Promise Neighborhoods produces more than academic results; it ensures critical community infrastructure is available during times of crisis.
Maintaining and Expanding the Pipeline: Guidance, Strategies, and Reflections on Sustaining a Promise Neighborhood
Author: The Center for the Study of Social Policy | Year of Publication: 2017
This brief provides a framework and guiding questions to support Promise Neighborhoods in preparing for sustainability, with the approach that sustainability should be incorporated into overall strategy development.
Leveraging Policy Advocacy to Keep Students Healthy (GPRAs 8–9)
Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: 2016
The capacity to leverage policy advocacy and systems change is critical to scaling up and sustaining efforts to ensure youth living in Promise Neighborhoods are healthy and connected to the necessary services and supports to prepare them for college and career success.
Addressing the Impact of Trauma on Academic Performance and School Attendance
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2016
Exposure to a traumatic event places a young person at risk of a lower reading proficiency, a lower grade -point average, and more days of school absences. Throughout their lifetimes, many young students living in underserved communities will experience one or more traumatic events, putting them at risk of chronic absenteeism and lower academic proficiency.
Using Data to Make a Difference for Boston-Area Students At Risk of Homelessness
Author: Mary Bogle, Katya Abazajian | Year of Publication: 2016
This Urban Wire blog post details how a Boston- area Promise Initiative used data to promote academic success and to fight homelessness.
Postsecondary Success in Promise Neighborhoods
Author: The Center for the Study of Social Policy | Year of Publication: 2016
This promising practices guide is a resource for Promise Neighborhoods as they work to improve postsecondary outcomes for students.
Using Data to Make a Difference for Boston-Area Students at Risk of Homelessness
Author: Urban Institute | Year of Publication: 2016
This blog entry is a grantee spotlight on how a Boston-area Promise Initiative uses data to promote academic success and fight homelessness.
Making Good on a Promise: Working to End Intergenerational Poverty in Kenilworth-Parkside
Author: Megan Gallagher, Brittany Murray, Maia Woluchem, Susan J. Popkin | Year of Publication: 2015
The DC Promise Neighborhood Initiative (DCPNI) is on a mission to end the cycle of intergenerational poverty in Kenilworth-Parkside, a geographically isolated community in Northeast Washington, DC. By partnering with local organizations to provide targeted, data-driven interventions to youth and parents, DCPNI is working to improve educational, economic, health, and socio-emotional outcomes within a community plagued by the effects of concentrated poverty.