Results by Term: Family Supports
Deer Creek Promise Community’s Early Learning Programs: Setting The Stage For Lifelong Success
Author: Karin Scott, Mikaela Tajo, Victoria Martin | Year of Publication: 2024
This impact story outlines how Mississippi Delta communities unite with a shared purpose. Deer Creek Promise Community’s early learning programs and strategies are featured.
Making the Case for Promise Neighborhoods
Author: Megan Gallagher, Lori Nathanson, Peter Tatian, and Jarle Crocker | Year of Publication: 2024
This brief highlights Promise Neighborhoods’ 10-year history and vision for the future. Illustrative stories from Mission Promise Neighborhood, Partners for Rural Impact, and South Ward Promise Neighborhood are featured.
COVID-19 Response and Recovery in Promise Neighborhoods 2020-2022
Author: Jillian Spindle and Lori Nathanson | Year of Publication: 2023
A Promise Neighborhood is a place-based, collective impact approach to improving results for children and families. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, Promise Neighborhoods were uniquely positioned to provide on-the-ground community response. They were partners to government, philanthropies, businesses, and community institutions in reaching students, parents, and neighbors with essential emergency services and vital information. This paper explores Promise Neighborhoods’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and demonstrates that investing in Promise Neighborhoods produces more than academic results; it ensures critical community infrastructure is available during times of crisis.
Building the Cradle in a Cradle-to-Career Initiative: Three Opportunities for Promise Neighborhoods to Promote Kindergarten Readiness
Author: Megan Gallagher and Shubhangi Kumari | Year of Publication: 2022
Early care and education (ECE) programs are crucial for positive educational and developmental outcomes of children. This brief provides a framework to support Promise Neighborhoods’ ECE work, specifically preparing young children for school in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Evaluating Programs and Impact within Promise Neighborhoods
Author: Peter A. Tatian, Benny Docter | Year of Publication: 2020
Place-based education and community change interventions such as Promise Neighborhoods face distinct challenges designing and executing high-quality evaluations. Because these efforts attempt to create population-level change by using a comprehensive continuum of cradle-to-career programming, experimental evaluation methods may be impractical or inappropriate. Nevertheless, planning, formative, and quasi-experimental methods can be used to conduct rigorous and instructive evaluations of Promise Neighborhoods.
Learn About Your Neighborhood: Uncover the Strengths and Challenges
Author: The Center for the Study of Social Policy | Year of Publication: 2018
This tool provides information to help individuals find the right people to include on neighborhood leadership teams and begin outreach in their communities.
Maintaining and Expanding the Pipeline: Guidance, Strategies, and Reflections on Sustaining a Promise Neighborhood
Author: The Center for the Study of Social Policy | Year of Publication: 2017
This brief provides a framework and guiding questions to support Promise Neighborhoods in preparing for sustainability, with the approach that sustainability should be incorporated into overall strategy development.
A New Day for Data: For Families Forced Out, a Reason to Return - San Francisco, CA
Author: Alexandra Tilsley, Lydia Thompson | Year of Publication: 2016
This data story features the San Francisco Promise Neighborhood’s use of data to meet the needs of residents from the gentrifying Mission District even as many are displaced from the neighborhood.
A New Day for Data: Bringing Change to a Forgotten Community - Washington, DC
Author: Serena Lei, Lydia Thompson | Year of Publication: 2016
This data story focuses on the Washington, DC, Promise Neighborhood’s use of data to lift an isolated and forgotten community out of poverty.
A New Day for Data: Passport to Prosperity - Indianola, MS
Author: Matthew Johnson | Year of Publication: 2016
This data story features the Indianola Promise Neighborhood’s use of data to transform lives by aiming to close the disparity of opportunities for children in rural Mississippi.