Results by Term: Data Security and Confidentiality
Local Data as an Equity Tool
Author: Fay Walker, Sonia Torres Rodríguez, Mica O'Brien | Year of Publication: 2021
Data intermediaries and backbone organizations, two types of place-based organizations, play a key role in helping their communities attain equitable outcomes by building local data capacity, creating data-driven partnerships, and centering community voices.
Building out an Effective Case Management System
Author: PolicyLink | Year of Publication: 2016
A robust case management system is critical to tracking progress and improving outcomes for children and their families along the cradle-to-career continuum.
Building a Culture of Results: A Guide to Emerging Practices in Promise Neighborhoods
Author: The Center for the Study of Social Policy | Year of Publication: 2016
This guidebook highlights the “culture of results” adopted by Promise Neighborhoods and how the program ensures effective solutions are launched, tracked, improved, and sustained.
Resources for Place-Based Initiatives
Author: Sarah Gillespie and Peter Tatian | Year of Publication: 2015
This brief reviews resources that provide more information and guidance on the major steps discussed in the Urban Institute brief “Six Steps to Success”: (1) define a set of indicators through which to measure and report results, (2) select target populations, and establish baseline population counts and penetration rates, (3) align evidence-based programs to indicators and target populations, (4) inventory available data and decide what original data collection is necessary, (5) establish an appropriate data system, and (6) collect and report on indicators.
Collecting and Using Performance Data in Place-Based Initiatives
Author: Sarah Gillespie and Peter Tatian | Year of Publication: 2015
A consensus is growing among funders and practitioners that effective performance measurement is essential to improving the results of community change efforts. Gathering and using performance data can be a daunting task, however, particularly for place-based initiatives that engage several service providers and aspire to bring about population-level change.
Some Considerations Pertinent to a Promise Neighborhoods National Evaluation
Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: 2014
This document describes key issues to consider when undertaking a comprehensive evaluation of the performance and impact of the Promise Neighborhoods grantees at large. The guidance offers the perspective of organizations working at the intersection of evaluation and practice—seeking to improve the outcomes for children and families with low incomes and to understand the most effective ways of measuring results.
Promise Neighborhoods Restricted-Use Data Files: Technical Specification and Requirements
Author: Urban Institute | Year of Publication: 2013
The Promise Neighborhoods restricted-use data files (RUDF) will contain individual-level and summary data on Promise Neighborhoods programs and participants. The Urban Institute will create the RUDF for the U.S. Department of Education from data collected by Promise Neighborhoods implementation grantees through surveys, case management systems, and administrative sources. Grantees collected the last required RUDF data in 2016.
Measuring Performance: A Guidance Document for Promise Neighborhoods on Collecting Data and Reporting Results: FY 2013 Edition
Author: Urban Institute | Year of Publication: 2013
This guidance document is designed to provide clarity on the U.S. Department of Education’s required Government Performance and Results Act indicators (guidance for grantees awarded in 2016 or earlier). Promise Neighborhoods implementation grantees must report on these measures as one of the requirements of their federal funding. This document also recommends data collection strategies, sources, and methods for the Promise Neighborhoods community at large, including the collection and tracking of demographic, family, and service delivery characteristics.
Beyond Lessons in the Field: Creating and Sustaining Partnerships in Promise Neighborhoods
Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: 2011
This fact sheet provides frequently asked questions and answers for using partnerships for effective implementation and long-term sustainability of Promise Neighborhoods. The factsheet provides examples from communities where partnerships have helped communities succeed.
Choosing a Data System for your Promise Neighborhood
Author: Promise Neighborhoods Institute | Year of Publication: No date
To build a strong Promise Neighborhood and be well positioned to seek funding and demonstrate success, communities should incorporate a robust data collection and evaluation plan into their work. Communities seeking federal funding will need to meet U.S. Department of Education requirements, but all communities should use a comprehensive data system to collect and organize data, and help inform decision-making.